Monday, January 30, 2012

mama to mama mondays. part one.

I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine - she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights. ~Adabella Radici

I love my friends.  I have a pretty tight circle that consists mostly of extremely beautiful, talented and SINGLE* folks.  Needless to say, Andrew and I have been the only married - let alone childbearing - couple in our group out here in NYC.  So, when Lua was born, I immediately began my search for a weekly mommy group and was disappointed to find that New York mom groups are wayyyy too intense for me.  They require commitment, strong views and - sadly - money.  
It was about this time that my friend, Kerrie, who lives in Nebraska, gave birth to a little peanut and called me to ask for some advice.  After our conversation was over, I felt so relieved to have been able to help, to know that there was someone else in my boat and with about a tablespoon of renewed confidence in my own mothering skills.  About a week later, I had a skype date with my college roommate, Laura, who lives in California now, because I was feeling defeated by something baby related and again, felt like a superwoman after our date was over (ps.  the date ended when one of our tired babies lost her noodle and it was like, "welp. bye!" hahaha)
As my search continued for a great mommy group, I began to realize that I already HAD a mom group, we were just spread far and wide across the globe.  I talk to Andrew's mommy cast-mates here in NYC, get advice from my family friends in Germany, religiously stalk the my mommy facebook friends and vent - boy, can I vent - to my good friend Kim in Nebraska all the time.
I've decided to start a mommy group of my own, so to speak, in a weekly blog post called  
mama to mama mondays
I'm posing weekly questions to some awesome mommies and will post their ideas, tips, tricks and advice right here for all to read and enjoy!  Please feel free to comment on these posts with added questions and ideas.  And, if you'd like to be added to the list of mommies, email me at
Oh!  And to those of you who follow this blog and don't have kids, I promise to try and keep it entertaining!
 *congrats to my good friend, Audra, who is getting married this summer!

OK.  On to the very first topic.  BATHTIME!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I was gonna say- I'll be in the group with you soon enough! ;)
